Ethical code and corporate policy

Ethical code

The Code of Ethics constitutes the set of values, principles and commitments that inspire Idroconsulting. Employees, collaborators and partners are oriented towards observing the values indicated in the code.
It represents a strong motivation for compliance with quality rules, stimulating corrective actions aimed at improvement as a push for the future.

Equality, fairness, protection of the person and the environment, confidentiality, impartiality, honesty and transparency represent value and a condition for success, essential foundations of all the activities that have always guided IDROCONSULTING over the years.

Corporate Policy

The basic principle of Idroconsulting S.p.A. policy is the achievement of the highest quality of all company processes and products, adopting all the necessary measures to ensure that work activities are carried out efficiently, reliably and responsive to customer needs, in terms of quality, service, safety, respect of the environment and the requirements established by current legislation.

The Management has recognized the need to establish and develop an integrated management system that meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI EN ISO 45001 standards.

The key points of our company policy are:

  • Satisfying customer needs and expectations
  • The protection of the environment, the safety and health of collaborators
  • Motivation, constant training and information of employees
  • The search for continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the management system, services, products and processes